It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

On the Coastal path

Well, first of all I must say the BIGGEST thank you to everyone who congratulated me on my 100 blipday! I had 62 comments and I spent nearly the whole afternoon going through each one & replying. I hope I didn't miss anyone!

I had a LOVELY afternoon with Marma yesterday. I was everso good. She took me on 2 walks & I only did a little bit of my stubborn thing. I just can't help myself sometimes.

In the middle of the night I was soooooo excited because mum & daddy came home from the Take That concert. They let me out of my bed & I licked them all over, it was a lovely surprise. Mum sounded all funny, her voice was croaky from screaming and shouting and singing at Robbie Williams. Hee hee. I think I would have liked that, It sounded very exciting.

Mum is a bit bleary eyed today so I haven't had big walks today. Just a couple is sensible ones. This is me on the Coastal path this afternoon. Mum said that she used to think she would never be able to let me off the lead along here because I would disappear over the edge! But I'm much more sensible now and the chicken holler always works.

Mum is so tired today that she has been a bit off the ball when watching me. When she was eating her lunch I noticed that she left the stairgate open so I tiptoed very quietly upstairs. Hee hee I was like the pink panther, duh dum, duh dum, duh dum duh dum duh dum, duh dum duh dummmmmmm duh duh duh dummm ;-)

I got into their bedroom & WOW there were mums SHOES that she hides from me and one of them was NEW. Yipppeeee! I had a bit of a play with them, flinging them around the bedroom then in my excitement I forgot myself & went hurtling back downstairs to show mum I had found her new shoes. Duuuuuuuhhhhh stupid Lily, mum was not impressed at all. My fun was scuppered!

We are all very tired tonight so I think an early night will be in order!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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