Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok

Serious business

Last night our daughter S did not sleep so well and she has been a bit grumpy and very serious little girl. Just a moment before this she had been laughing almost in tears when me, grandpa and U were playing some football at the yard and she was looking and occasionally got her hands to the ball.

Also with adults the moods do change between the days or even in one. But with the kids these moods are sometimes so clear and strong that they really point the direction for the days agenda.

Evening when was putting S to sleep, managed to do that really fast and then went to the sauna with my father - to be called back as S had woke up in tears and shout. This happened 4 times and always I was relaxing in sauna when it happened. Even if the sauna was really good did not somehow feel so relaxed after all.

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