hello again

By admirer

I only spotted this big jellyfish after swimming in the sea this morning. It was also at a different place.
As a child I was only once attacked by a jellyfish but had then decided that once was enough for a lifetime. In the earlier season there were so many tiny ones on the beach, dead already. And now the survivors had grown. It was delightful to take my time to get used to the cold water, a blue sky, only one layer of waves, and so I had an optimistic view of life for the moment.
We had the telescope with us and saw the thousands of cormorants and gulls at the other side of the bay. A man with a dog and and a jackdust that followed (because of the bread he threw, as we disvovered later) told us that there were two seals in the water that chased the fish and the young cormorants were seen swimming in the water, parents above them, all shouting! Dramatic view, indeed.

To add to the photo of yesterday's gull I want you to know that I did not crop the photo. I am certainly not brave enough to do that in such a daring way (my opinion). I took it, not knowing what was exactly to see, I do that now and then with the birds, most of the time I only see half of a wing, or a tail, mostly only a blue sky.
I took many photos but it happened that I found in this one a power that the others did not have.

On the way back I thought about my haiku

Soft breeze over the water
Is this the blue I saw in my dreams?
I plonge in to find out.

And the proverb from the book, from the chinese is

Easy to look at, difficult to imitate

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