Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

A Change of View.

many of you will be familiar with the usual view of Loch Fyne rom my window. Tonight is a very different view from another window. This time from our hotel at Springfield Quay where we stayed while we were in Glasgow for the concert. This has to be the earliest photo of the day for me as I took it 19 minutes after midnight when we got back after the show.

I had ased the hotel receptionist for a view of the " Squinty Bridge" - a bit of a communication problem there , we were given a view of the Kingston bridge. Nothing daunted I went back to reception , this time there was a Glaswegian on duty who knew exactly what I wanted , matter sorted instantly and rewarded with this night time view.
have t say we had a magical night time stroll back from the SECC along the river to the hotel. Some local lads thought I was fishing as i was bending over the tripod to get some night time shots. They were so friendly , asked if we were journalists and told us different places to see around Govan. needless to say they also posed for a shot. I call it the " Gova Boys" - perfect posers and might use it some day for a competition shot at our camera club as they had wonderful character faces.

Forgot to mention I have also put up a back blip from last night , another low light shot from Bells bridge which I think you might like.
looking forward to our next visit to Glasgow.

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