a town called E.

By Eej

5 Years ...

... and counting.

tIs our anniversary today, and it was also the day of Uncle Bob's funeral.
Somehow having to combine the two made me extra grateful for having the Beloved, and extra determined to not ever let him go.
Last year I photographed our hands on our tree, this year it's with a rose Aunt Kathy gave us, after/from the memorial service. I guess two years in a row makes it officially a tradition? Looking forward to having a fine collection of our ageing hands eventually.

It seems odd, maybe, to describe a funeral as 'lovely'. but that's what it was to me. It was graceful, dignified and full of love. Uncle Bob planned most of it himself, so it felt deeply personal. I appreciated that.

I also got to meet many relatives I had not yet encountered. And it confirmed my suspicions: I am a celebrity. I don't think there was a single person who didn't say that they've been hearing so much about me :)

It was a long day (I had to get up at 6!), and even with spending most of the drive home zonked out I'm still exhausted. An early night, for sure.

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