Wary Waxwing


A bird is a seed with wings
but the earth does not love her
she sprouts only by spreading her leaves
in skies plowed by the wind

Eugen Jebeleanu
Translated by Radu Ioanid and Matthew Zapruder

Cedar Waxwing

a North American waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum, having lightyellowish-brown plumage.

Cedar Waxwing info

A warm and sunny start to another relaxing day stretching ahead. This Cedar Waxwing, several Robins and a pair of Catbirds had to spring into action to drive off a Blue Jay. The Blue Jays have a bad reputation of raiding nests filled with eggs and hatchlings. Waxwings usually travel in large flocks, this must have been the flock leader, bravely trying to drive the slash of vivid blue away.

Morning Berry

In the cemetery next door

For the Record,
This day came in warm and sunny with low humidity, barometer, 29.82, rising

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