It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

A break in the rain clouds!

Here I am in the field near us this afternoon. We rushed out quickly when it had stopped raining for a bit. There was this lovely lavendar little flower and I was a very good girl posing for mum. Even though she only had boring biscuits and not chicken with her today!

Whilst I was there LOADS of doggies arrived. It was GREAT. There was a puppy like me golden retriever called Ringo, we had a really good play. There was his big brother and also 2 grown up collies who were too busy playing with each other to play with me. They were playing tug with each other! I tried to join in but they growled at me.

Then I shot of to meet a really cute little scottie dog. I noticed that my mum was going all gooey over her because she ran up to my mum and went upside down for a tummy tickle. The only thing was that I didn't understand a word she said to me??? She was yapping away to me but I had no idea what she meant. I gave up in the end and ran off. Her mum was talking to my mum, very slowly and struggling with her words. Later on mum told me that they were Russian. Ahhhh so thats why I didn't understand her barks!

There has been something wierd going on with my mum lately. I really feel that I must bring it to your attention. Maybe you will be able to help me?

The thing is, in the kitchen drawer there is my toy. My tuggy toy that I take to training with me. Its ok I guess, I am not that impressed with it, I much prefer chicken. Well, since my last class mum has been keeping it in this drawer and a few times a day, she gets it out in front of me. She TOTALLY ignores me and starts SINGING to the toy??? She throws it in the air, plays catch with herself, she whizzes it round, she drapes it around her neck, all the time singing her little "oh what a lovely toy" song. Then after about 5 mins, she just puts it away again, she doesn't throw it to me or anything. Honestly, the woman has lost it.... I am beginning to worry. She hasn't even had a wine when she does this!

I am trying to rack my brains about what teacher said at class. I know that they want me to be much more interested in my toy, to give me "drive" and to make me stick close to mum as well, but really??? singing to my toy??? I'm not sure what she is trying to achieve...... I will keep watching though and see what happens....... Unless anyone has any ideas??

I must just say that after my letter to Briar yesterday, it seems Molly has had enough and is going on holiday? Have a look, you will see what I mean. Hee hee, it seems Briar is taking after me and remembering what I taught her on Sunday very well. I am proud of her!

Ooops quick, I had better go, mum has got the toy out again. Better keep an eye on her ;-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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