Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet


Spent a fantastic day at Blairdrummond Safari Park today.

This was the highlight of the day, but it was really hard to choose as I think I fired off about 300 shots.

We had recieved a pass for the park from a friend after doing her a favour, and so we decided to take the opportunity to go on a rare day out.
It's only about 3 miles from where we live, but to our shem we had not yet been.

I was amazed, the variety of amusements for kids and the fantasic number of species was just great. You need more than a day to see everything, but my favourite was the birds of prey, of which this shot of a Saker Falcon, coming in for the lure at about 40 mph, was I think the best.

You can also see the wind turbines on the Braes of Doune in the background, and the radio transmitter on the bird's tail, in case she gets lost.

I also took some shots of the Barn Owl and Sea Eagle in flight, however to get this shot of a bird doing this speed, well, it made my day!

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