Journey Through Time

By Sue

Echinacea "Cone Flower" Hot Summer

So after my MRI at Rebound in Vancouver, I was very close to the garden center, so I popped in to see what I could find. I actually did find something to buy, but this wasn't it. But I'd like to have this if we could find a sunny spot. What a fun, bright, "hot summer" color, which is the name of the variety. And PS, all the photos I took of this looked like it was in focus, but the center has this blurry quality to it. Not sure what that is about, but decided that is just the way it looked, and the heck with it. This color is just too delicious not to share.

I bought a coreopsis, called "Jive". Beautiful brownish red and cream color. And I bought a fun, striped decorative grass that caught my eye. Had to treat myself after having a bit of a problem with the tech not being able to inject the dye fully into the vein in my right arm and having to finish it up with my left arm. That has never, ever happened to me before. Some of the dye leaked from the vein and then that area began to sting, which turned to burning, back to sting and then in about 5 minutes or so, went away, just like she said it would. But that unnerved me a bit, and I had to really concentrate to finish up the session and to lower my blood pressure, which probably shot up a few hundred points.

Besides the plants, I consoled myself with a Starbucks Mocha Coconut Frappaccino.

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