Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Eye of a photographer: El Matador

Huge thanks to Cherie for our shoot at El Matador, Malibu (think of Old Harry Rocks, Dorset, in the UK). Can't wait to see the images she created for us and what a warm, fun personality, instantly bonding with the boys. "Where's the lady?", asked Reuben on our way home. It was our first meeting and very lovely. I'm at "ages with her" as Mum would say.

The importance and sentiment of the shoot was to capture the boys and I together prior to Reuben's great big neck surgery and halo wearing.

* * *

We descend the rough dirt path which graduates to steps, dodging a plethora of photographers there for maternity and couples shoots, the boys needing some help navigating the steep incline and steps, Cherie instantly picking Reuben up, making him laugh and snuggle into her, so delightful to see. The longed for flowers have given way to sunburnt weeds and scorched plants. Nature has its way in Southern California to remind us that this was once barren, inhospitable desert. It has its beauty in a different way.

The setting sun casts a golden light on the sand, shifting as the waves ebb and flow, much as we run to and fro to dodge them. With both boys' hands in mind, I raise them high each by an arm to escape the big wave that's rushing in towards us, but it's too late and my lift isn't high enough. We're utterly soaked. I'm laughing as is Reu but Callum is not amused, his shorts drenched and a sandy coating being left upon them, the diaper giving way underneath.

I've dragged my camera down and spare lenses, all of which remaind unused. Force of habit I guess. I'm grateful for not leaving them on a dry patch of sand as intended, seeing that sand become immersed moments later.

©Cherie Stark using my 5Dii. I'm holding her 5Dii with the beautiful 50mm as I wanted her to try my 85mm. Stella. This captured after we were soaked and had just climbed the steps and footpath, Callum with just a diaper as his shorts were giving way after the salty drench, I'd tube fed Reuben and changed diapers. In my eye you'll see Cherie (LARGE), and in the lens, Callum sitting on his potty (safely) overlooking the cliffs.

In editing this, I wanted an accurate representation of colours. Colours shift around when messing between Aperture and PSE and colour profiles, but it's almost there. Getting the skin tones, eyes and lips right is pretty important to me, for which reason I'm not a fan of cross processing.

Sorry for total lack of reciprocal commenting right now. Just sorry.

PS Got some good work news tonight...

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