A bit ragged

....as I felt in the garden on a very hot, humid morning, while I was picking vegetables and watering the plants. We had a wonderful evening/night on our friends' terrace under the pines, eating platefuls of mussels, melon with port, three sorts of barbecued sausage including a very delicious merghez, a north African spicy sausage, and some lovely goats' cheese, drinking excellent red, white and rosé wines, talking and laughing until (as often happens late at night) I noticed that my ability to participate in conversations in French (or, even more difficult, Occitan) was dropping dramatically and we all realised that it was 3 a.m. When I was young I could sleep late after a night like this but nowadays I wake up early despite the short night.....so I'll have a long siesta this afternoon!

I was fiddling with my camera settings when I was in the garden, wondering why I can never take good pictures of olives, when I noticed this butterfly had landed next to me.

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