Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax


Apoligies for not posting these past few days but I have been up against the weather. We have had heavy rain in the afternoon.

Yesterday, I set out to take a shot of something I saw last week. I parked the car and proceeded to walk to get a good vantage point and felt spots of rain. Given that a few spots can turn into a downpour within a couple of minutes, I headed back to the car.

Earlier this afternoon, I set out again to reprise a shot from last Monday. I locked the front door and turned to head to the car and noticed the front path was accumulating rain drops. I headed back indoors.

Fortunately, the rain eased off an hour or so later and I managed to get out to take the shot I had in mind. The sky was threatening again but the rain held off.

The shot is the used tire place I featured last Monday. I wanted to try it from a different angle and also using the wide angle lens of the Ricoh GRD III. I think it is a better shot.

B&W conversion in Silver Efex Pro.

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