Ina's Snippets

By ina

B is for Butterfly

"One who makes no mistakes
makes nothing..."


+ ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ +

Just want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments and ratings for the last two posts.

All I can say is:
"People will forget what you've said, but they will NEVER forget how you made them feel"

Not much to say today... Mr Snippets went for his second treatment this afternoon, hope it will be better than the last time.

Thanks for your support and have a great evening :)

+ ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ +

11 points to remember
(one a day for the next 11 days)

1) "If a child lives with criticism,
he learns to condemn"

Thanks for being here :) - your visit is much appreciated.

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