Ina's Snippets

By ina

= Pear sucker! =

"God in His wisdom made the fly
And then forgot to tell us why."

-- Albert Einstein --

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I had my blip ready early this morning already.... and then this opportunity presented itself! This morning's blip can always be blipped again... but this one? No, I don't think so!

Was cleaning the birdfeeders late afternoon after a bit of rain - had some fresh seeds and pears cut in half to make it easier for the birds to eat. I placed the pears on the garden bench while cleaning the bird bath - when I turned around, this one was munching away - he had such a great time that he did not even notice me... or he didn't care!

I came so close to him, my camera did not want to focus! Times like this I wish I had a macro lens!

This is something I've learned when trying to photograph insects... when they eat, THEY DONT CARE! You can come so close, slowly of course, and take several shots.

Come on Blippers! Give it a try!

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"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen
and thinking what nobody has thought."

~ Albert Szent-Györgyi ~

Your visit, as always, is the highlight of my day! Thanks for being here :)

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