Unstructured Visions

By unstructvisions

Mess of Work Life

As I was driving home from work this morning, I thought that since I am new here, I should take pictures so people can get to know me. What better way than to see how I spend the largest part of my time, working.

Since I am a paramedic, I am sort of legally bound to not take pictures of me working. Not only is denying patients their privacy, but if I have a camera in my hand, how can I be helping them?

Then, as I was getting out of my SUV, I reached down to grab my stuff to take in and it hit me. This was the picture. *snap* Perfect!

My uniform shirt (actually there are two but one is doing a very good job of playing Waldo), fleece (AKA my work pillow), purse, water, and the all important, fast food.

A jumbled mess in a moving vehicle, yet handy enough to be useful when needed.

That's me. A paramedic.

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