Unstructured Visions

By unstructvisions

One Life Save. My Work Here Is Done.

As I was uploading the picture of an orange tabby cat that we were able to adopt today, I noticed a small furry cow in the drainage ditch in front of the station. Upon closer inspection, I found it to be a sweet Great Pyranese dog.

He wedged himself in the small pipe to have a go at the small muddy puddle of water in it. After I coaxed him out and gave him fresh water, I had to figure out what to do with him. The ditch backs up to a very busy and high speed country highway, plus I couldn't have him darting out in front of the ambulance on the way to a call. With the help of the police dispatcher and an off duty police officer, he is safe at animal control. They guaranteed me he wouldn't be put down as they haven't had to use euthanasia in their shelter in months! Yes!

So, when I get home tomorrow, I can say I saved a life at work.

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