Lali's World

By Lali

At the harbour

Today it has been quite a good day off. I woke up late, caught up with some stuff I had to do in the morning and then I went to the gym.

It was raining in the morning but then the day cleared as I was leaving the gym. I had to go to buy the ingredients for the wedding cake I'm making for my friend, so I decided to go for a walk in the harbour before going to the supermarket, since the weather was so nice.

It was a very relaxing walk. I was feeling great after the gym, it was sunny, people were sitting having their drinks outside the bars and the atmosphere around was very relaxed, the ducks swam happily on the water and it was all very peaceful and quiet. I have a customer facing job where I have to talk to lots of people everyday, so one of the things I enjoy the most when I'm off is being on my own and not having to talk to anybody!

I had a look at the weather forecast and it looks like it's gonna be raining in the Shetlands at the weekend. Just my luck! On top of that the guest house where I had booked my room called me this morning to inform me that my room was no longer available and that they had found me a room somewhere else. The guest house where I'm booked now doesn't have very nice reviews on Trip Advisor, but everything else seems to be pretty much fully booked, so I'll have to go with it! I just hope that the weather forecast is wrong and that the guest house where I'm going has done something to improve their standards after their bad reviews! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Thank you very much for all your nice comments, stars and favourites for my flower blip! I do really appreciate them! I hope you all had a great start of the week! :)

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