Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Fuzz not Fur

Sys Bjerre : Danish Singer

Not a good day. With my camera out of use I gratefully borrowed a colleague's Nikon for this event I'd been invited to cover for a clothes designer. I was as lost as a really lost thing in a very big place full of more lost. I couldn't see a damn thing on the miniature screen, so I had no idea what the results were like. I was experimenting like mad trying to see what worked but I couldn't see what worked. Hell "#¤&5, 6%&7)&, /#"........etc. It may well be possible to get a good picture with this antique but tonight, on a red carpet, with a fashion designer and pop stars in my corner against real press, I was playing silly buggers without a manual on an 8 year old camera for the first time. The results are not pretty and I'm gutted.

This might pass for a "Moody" shot of a contemporary pop star (in Denmark) but it ain't what I was after by a long shot.

The designer and his manager were lovely people as were their supporters such as tonight's model. The fur stole she has on is in fact artificial fur and is a piece designed by Carsten of Copenhagen Artificial Fur who asked me along tonight (and who Sys is actually talking to as I took this).

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