hello again

By admirer


rain the whole night and still in the morning rain and dark, dark sky.
But at the moment the rain stopped I walked to the pond, nice fresh weather I like, a bit cold it is.
In the morning I began clearing away, best done on rainy days I always think. And we started to hang a lamp above the table, after one year of living here it is about time. First the lamp had to be fixed in an electicity shop, august last year, then we had to wait till the table had found the place where it best fitted, and now is the big day!
Not yet finished, Piet Hein had to go to the shop where one can buy a hook on which the lamp will be hanged. So far so good and I hope it will be ready to-night.
I preferred to buy another lamp, a cheerful one, ours now is plexiglass with black fitting, but perhaps that can be done later (next year?).

The haiku:

Under water the shape of the wooden pile
reminds me of the turtle
I once had and survived

I have to add that I first thought that I saw a dead turtle that had wanted to climb out of the water. So I found a branch (there were many branches fallen from the trees this night by the storm) and tried to move it, but it was not stirred at all, and than I saw what it really was. I had seen turtles in the pond some time ago, so I went to look for these, not found however.

The proverb from the book has nothing to do with the subject of today, but since there was no one on a turtle I found this one:

If it rained soup, I'd have a fork instead of a spoon.

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