Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

My sweet Murphy...

This evening as Murphy and I were snuggling together on the swing, enjoying the cooler air, I realized he was looking quite fine after Michelle had bathed him today.

"Murphy," said I..."please stay right there while I get the camera".

He did.

The little toy dog next to him? Well, insanity has struck once again. I vowed not to buy one more Scottie "thing" as I have so many. As I was walking through Wegman's (grocery store) today, I came upon a display of many Webkins Scotties....all in a row....all looking into my face. Looking incredibly cute and real.

The rest is (repeated) history.

Oh, and an aside...Murphy is so naughty! Yesterday, it was so hot, I thought for sure I was going to melt. I crept upstairs to rest for just a few minutes. Suddenly, Daughter yelled hysterically, asking Murphy if he *DID* this. Bracing myself, I went downstairs, wondering just what "this" might be. As I surveyed the floor, I nearly fell down, laughing! I had bought a cantaloupe the day before. Somehow, the bag it was in ended up on the hearth. As they say, "out of sight, out of mind". The orb was completely forgotten by me.

Well, at some point, my mischievous pup decided to "play" with said cantaloupe. I thought I had heard some scampering about downstairs earlier, but I was too pooped to check the situation out.

When Michelle came into the living room, not only was the cantaloupe on the floor, it was also "gouged out". Hmmm....There appeared to be some big Scottie teeth marks etched into the flesh. Michelle became fearful and made a quick call to the emergency animal hospital to see if the cantaloupe might hurt the pup. Once the vet tech assured Michelle the most that could happen would be a case of constipation or diarrhea, she began to realax.

Now, at this point, we were uncertain as to whether it was Angus or Murphy who was the guilty party in the cantaloupe caper. Picking each Scottie up and sniffing his beard proved useless. No telltale scent on either beard. My guess was Murphy, although Angus hung his head and acted very sullen for quite awhile...

It was only this morning, during the morning "constitution" that Murphy indicted himself when he "produced" the seeds that proved him guilty, indeed!

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