
By stephenfr

sunshine on a cloudy day

Another day to go to the beach was again thwarted by unpredictable and mostly overcast weather. Quickly though, we were able to scrap those plans and go into NYC. Originally, we were going to go to the Museum of Natural History. But we decided against it when we didn't want to see taxidermied animals. We planned to go to the MET, but then we just didn't consider going to museums at all to be a wise idea. All of them close relatively early and Brittanie and I, not early birds at all, were just getting our day underway. Then, my girlfriend came up with a seriously brilliant plan to go see back-to-back movies we have been interested in seeing for a while. And that's what we did! We went to Little Italy and got some way overpriced food ($70 for two during lunchtime!?) and saw two movies in two different theaters. One movie was a documentary called "Love, etc." and the other was a tearjerking (for Brittanie!) drama called "Beginners". Both of the movies possessed the power to make me clutch her hands there in those well air-conditioned cinema seats. Very broadly, both movies spoke about the importance of having a love that is true and having/making that love last throughout time. Knowing that I have found my true and lasting love made me feel so completely whole! Each day is a delight when we can be so fulfilled being together. When we walk the streets of New York, we never have to walk alone! There is back-up when she might walk blindly in the middle of the street on a green light! There is back-up from her when I am directionless in knowing how to get around anywhere in the city. If we are standing on the subway train, I always need her closer to me than any of the other people who are making me feel claustrophobic. On the bus, I feel lost if she is not sitting next to me (horribly, like on the way home today). The night was very gorgeous to walk around in, even beach-friendly at times, and I was with my absolutely gorgeous fiancé, who harped on me for not taking many pictures of her because she knew how beautiful and radiant she looked. Pretty self-absorbed, eh? Anyway, this is a picture from the inside looking outside at the sign of the theater we went to called Sunshine! Surely, this was an unforgettable night--stuff movies are made out of.


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