Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Macintosh India Rubber Works

Heeelllloooo Thursday!!

I know, I know, it's another car park shot - but I rather like this one, so I don't care :-p

It was taken in a total rush first thing this mroning, I spotted the opportunity as I was taking no.2 son (in full snot mode - eeww) to nursery and I shouldn't really have stopped to take it but I did anyway :-)

So today is a bit 'yay me'!! I was worried, because I had snuck(!) out of work early on Wednesday when I had promised to draft a communication for a transnational working group and I justified it to myself because no.2 son hadn't slept and I was shattered and I said I would work at home later, but obviously I didn't! I knew I had to be at my desk beavering quickly away as early as possible, but one small blip never hurt anyone surely?? Of course, despite worrying about it, it totally worked out OK, because a wide awake, focused 'me' wrote a much better draft than the head slumped, shattered 'me' of the night before! The Slovenian guy said he tried really hard to find some amendments... but couldn't (I think he must be in flippant thursday mood too!)

Also, no.2 son did actually sleep last night, which was lovely. Especially since I had the sofa bed all pulled out, in readiness, I felt very smug this morning, that I hadn't needed it!!

Of course, all this self-congratulation can't last. I returned home tonight to find my 2 speeding tickets had finally come through :-(

39 in a 30 zone (2 lane dual carriage way??) twice on the same day. I'm feeling a bit sore about it and Mr CleanSlate is demonstrating little sympathy. 'How did you not know it was 30?'

Because I DIDN'T!! I drive there every day and have always thought it was 40. I can't understand why this is the first time they'e got me, because I never consciously go under 30 there. I have a theory that they turned it on just on one particular day to increase revenue for the month. I am, of course, a well known conspiracy theorist.

Nursery said no.2 son was better today and ate well, which is just as well since he didn't eat anything for me this evening.... as opposed to no.1 son who has eaten like a horse.... as opposed to no.2 son who just sounds like a horse a bit hoarse! Am I going around in circles. Someone should stop me when I get like ...... this....

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