
By rogerthedodger

Ok, i've been lazy.

I missed a Blip yesterday and have spent today riding out bad news by working on a load of prints. A friends son was killed in Afghanistan a few weeks ago - a roadside bomb. He's not handling things well which is hardly surprising and it put me in a teary frame again. It all gets a bit close to home.
On the brighter side a mutual friend of us both phoned. He's coming out here in a couple of months. We're organising a SINS meeting (ask if you dare). It'll be a black tie poetry evening. The other sad news is that my favourite restaurant has closed, The Essex. It was here that well over twenty years ago a cocktail was developed and until recently we had a few every year when "Screaming Bob Fisher" (don't ask about that either) had it named after him. So, on the poem night, at which there will be about sixty of us dressed like penguins, we'll quite literally have buckets of SFBs, copious amounts of wine and beer and all get very, very, untidy indeed.
Todays pic is of a bus stop if you hadn't guessed. Don't know what the letters are about though.
Time to feet the cats - they're gnawing my feet!

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