Blipaholic Deb

By BlipaholicDeb

A bit wet!

Well it's certainly great weather for ducks. It has been pouring with rain all morning, which means I have children with severe cabin fever under my feet.

With no time to create anything spectacular today, I grabbed the golf umberalla and took some shots of the rain hitting the puddles. I know another drop shot, but it was slightly more difficult this time as rain does not land where you want it to and I think the ripple patterns are a lot nicer too!

In other news, my Thyroid test has come back normal which is good but the downside means that it could be my heart so I now have an app for a week on wednesday to have a special ecg fitted with a recorder which I will have to wear for a week and also I have to have a echocardiogram too (heart scan to check the function of the heart and valves). A bit scary :(

Hope some of you somewhere have nice weather!

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