Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Fairy Girl.

Went to work this morning, but had so many things go wrong I felt I shouldn't have bothered. Still, in the end it became so ridiculous you had to laugh. Even driving home after my 4 hour shift, I realised there was something I had forgotten to do. Oh, Well!!

After 2 days of rain and cold, today has been quite nice, so we went out to the shops, but we didn't buy anything (for once!)

Funniest thing to happen today - Made a cup of tea, next thing Neo is running off with my teabag. He took it out of my cup, dragged it over the kitchen floor, and was heading for the dining room, when I managed to stop him. I'm not sure what he was going to do with it, maybe he wanted to make his own cup of tea.

Today's blip is a figurine on a mirror.

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