Hunting Unicorns

By huntingunicorns

Day 5_From a High Angle

I notice that as I progress in this 30-day exercise my true colors are slowly surfacing - first my lack of patience and second my tendency to recluse myself from the outdoor and third my trust in my spontaneity to make the most of what I have inside. But absolutely, I am a believer that our room contains an arsenal of potential subjects just waiting to be looked at with a different set of eyes.

The day before I was planning to take a picture of our building's winding staircase. I have long been aching to capture the pattern the stairs make with viewing it from top. Again that was just a plan. As usual, as I was about to start my day with my laptop already occupying my bag, I decided to go against it. Just as easy as that!

The afternoon was almost receding. After spending the first half of it snoozing off I yielded to work on the challenge. I planned to use the remaining bright sunlight. I checked our ever overflowing pen organizer to see if a blend of colors can be made out of it. There was none, or rather it would be too much effort demanding to set-up. I searched up the hanging drawers for an abundance of potentials and I found our still perfectly sorted, colourful tie wraps.

Day 4 Challenge: From a high angle.

First challenge was on how to hold these hundred, thin pieces of plastics together. It needed picking my imagination on how to improvise a tie or a quasi vase for them. Next was on finding a background to highlight the burst of colors, and voila I found Penguin listlessly lying close by - can make use of its solid black back! I have probably taken 50 photos but only three of them passed my taste.

Funny how I have been overlooking minor details; again, just on this challenge that I realize my Canon's computer suite photo viewer has a way of viewing RAW and manipulating basic photo editing! Now that is what you call haste. With my desire to make the most of my lax time, my attention has been easily wandering the past days I often joggle so many details with my mind but concentration has been at stake. And yes, this time I used my camera's program to work on this photo's fine tuning.

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