Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick


.... which is, I guess, a pretty accurate word to describe how I'm feeling right now. Can't exactly put my finger on what's at the bottom of it.

Maybe it's because I know that on Friday I finish work for a week's leave and I'm more tired than I'm letting on. And a bit cheesed off that we can't afford to go away for a week in the sun.

And I don't think getting up at 6am this morning to do a bit of sewing before work helped. I decided to re-model my enormous 'poncho in a pouch' so that I can wear it as a cycling cape without fear of it flapping behind me and risking experiencing the same fate as Isadora Duncan: the flapping fabric getting caught in the wheels of a passing car and throttling me.

The re-model worked well, I arrived at work nice and dry. Pity about the colour: it's that murky dark grey that the Dark Riders from Lord of the Rings were so fond of.

And this is the box of pins I used whilst re-modelling.

Thanks for all your comments about yesterday's summer pudding. I have passed them on to Himself

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