Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Indian Pipes

Was walking down to the dock with the Dory oars to go hang out by the seals for some photos, maybe see if the babies are there, when I spy a big ol' ugly power boat anchored in "my" bay right next to "my" seals' favorite rocks! How inconsiderate! :-) So I will save that for another day.
We have been here at the island for a month - going home to Seattle tonight for about a week -to city blips (and maybe a grandchild...?). It's easier to find good blips here.....
But before I pack up the computer, had to switch from fauna to flora for today's blip. These are Indian Pipes, white and waxy with white bell shaped flowers that hang over.(and look like pipes?) These are about 6"tall. The interesting thing about them is their roots are connected via fungi to the roots of nearby coniferous trees, from which they obtain their nutrition, since they lack any chlorophyll and can't make their own food. My Pacific NW plant book says the name in the Salish indian language of this area means "wolf-urine", - they supposedly grow wherever a wolf urinates. Well I hope not as there are no wolves here that I know of!!!

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