No time to waste?

By jt


Felt all a bit discombobulated and overwhelmed today, so went for a walk at Morton Lochs - featured previously. Was a wonderfully refreshing and peaceful walk, saw all sorts of things: a red squirrel, a roe deer, lots of ducks (all female, mostly mallard), a number of buzzards, woodpigeons, herons, two Canada geese (no sign of their goslings, but they should be fully grown by now), a pair of mute swans with eight cygnets, two sets of little grebe chicks (7 in total) with three adults, a pair of moorhens with a chick (very small and cute) some sedge warblers, yellowhammers (only heard them), a wren (and another heard nearby), lots of willow warblers/chiffchaffs, coal, great and bluetits, song thrush (nearly flew into my head), blackbirds, sparrows and chaffinches. Not a bad collection.

Also found one area with ringlet and meadow brown butterflies, some common blue damselflies - and these. I think it's a male emerald damselfly, found one that was showing more green also. Very beautiful!

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