Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

A Strange Regard

"You throw a strange regard upon me, and by that
I do perceive it hath offended you"

- Sebastian, in Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare

I took a little walk around the hospital grounds after lunch today, and spotted this little theropod nosing around in the dirt. I snuck around the far side of a rubbish skip next to it, and advanced, with camera (Lumix G10) at the ready. It wasn't too flighty (hah!), as it happened, and I got a few photos, including this one, which I've cropped, sharpened, lightened shadows a little, added a slight inverse S curve (so the black feathers didn't just appear a flat black splot, and so you can see its beady little eye as it fixed on me) - raised saturation a bit to make up for that.

I think it would be better a bit larger.

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