Just arrived back home after an exhausting, rather bizarre, very varied and enjoyable week in England. I have backblipped if anyone's interested. Up at sparrowfart and off to the Manchester airport. OMG - I think I must have led a sheltered life. Mancunians on holiday are a terrifying species and I'm very glad I wasn't going to Ayah Napa - hoards of girls in minute shorts, ferocious orange tans and 6 inch heels all sporting matching, printed T shirts. Followed by hoards of lads with bulging muscles, tattoos and shaved heads. Really they didn't need to go anywhere, both sides could have met up at the airport. The queues to check in were colossal but the security queue started outside the building and wound in a huge labyrinth for miles.

Now home, and the garden has grown mightily but it is very very peaceful :) This year the hydrangeas are mostly very blue.

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