All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Incident report #3

When hubbie picked Ethan up from nursery today, he was advised that Ethan had been involved in another "incident". Apparently he had been sitting by the window with some of the other toddlers, when another child approached him. The staff thought the child was just going to give him a hug but no ..... he was bitten on the arm! If you look at his arm in the bottom left of this picture you'll see the damage! Much worse than the last time this happened when at least it was just a bit of a bruise! The staff won't tell us who the child is and we don't even know if it's the same one who bit him last time. Poor wee Ethan though!

(On a better note, he slept till just before 6.30am today - much better than the 5 something o'clock starts we've been having for a few weeks now. At least, I think he slept till that time as I forgot to switch the baby monitor on and that's when I first heard him making "I'm awake" noises)!

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