All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Crouching tiger

I'm loving looking back at my year ago blips each day and comparing wee baby Ethan to the ever changing toddler he is today. Just seeing some of the positions he can get himself in now makes me realise how much he's growing up. He has recently started going on all fours and looking through his legs which makes both him and I laugh! I got a great photo of him yesterday but forgot I'd taken it on the SLR and only uploaded photos from the cybershot last night. Tried again today but he was too quick for me tonight - this was him coming back out of the pose.

It was more of the usual antics from him today. Early rising (5 something o'clock), didn't want dinner (only had 2 strawberries, some grapes and an onion ring!), screamed at bathtime. He did however have a great day at nursery and I got to pick him up today which I don't do very often. I do love to watch him through the window for a few minutes before I go in, when he has no idea I'm there so I can see for myself how settled he is.

Very tired myself tonight after an exceptionally busy and frantic day at work. Perhaps I'll manage that early night I've been promising myself for months!

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