All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

2 little boys

Ethan & I drove over to Linlithgow this morning to visit my Uni friend Jane and her 20 month old son Callum. Ethan was most taken with lots of Callums toys so it has given me some ideas for more things to buy him (like I need an excuse to spend more money on him)!

After I put Ethan in his car seat to go home, Callum decided to rock him back and forwards. Ethan found this hillarious and was killing himself laughing!

Afterwards we went out to Straition and had a wander round Ikea. Ethan was as good as gold, especially when I gave him a soft football to hold - after he had gummed all over it there was no way I couldn't buy it haha! Unfortunately when we went to Sainsburys afterwards it was a different story. He threw a complete tantrum which ended in me having to carry him in 1 arm and push the shopping trolley with the other. I had to put him back in the trolley when I got to the checkout and he went beserk again - tears streaming down his face. A member of staff ended up coming over and tried to calm him down for me whilst I packed my shopping. Then as soon as we got out the store, Ethan was happy as can be again! He obviously isn't too keen on supermarket shopping!

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