hello again

By admirer


and the right temperature to cycle to Herstelle, visit the Abbey-store, and go on to the Papageien-Hof. The scenery is soft yellow coloured from all the corn fields.
There are many visitors to see the parrots and I make some photos. It is the first time Piet Hein is here too and likes to be near the birds and have an intimate contact. They make funny (in our ears) noises and have been given all sorts of fruit to eat.
A happy place, although we see one of the birds shivering, from the cold?
Something I did not yet mention is that the swan's nest is void now of the two eggs, eventually they were withdrawn, and both swans are swimming around. No happy ending here.

The first sentence of the haiku I made standing near the field:

Midst in the cornfield I see the thistles
full in bloom and purple coloured
they blend splendidly itogether.

And the proverb is dutch but I never heard of this one ever:

See that you tie so that you can untie.

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