Just looking..

By ccleeve

You looking at me?

D is getting stronger and stronger - he likes to spend time on his tummy but although he's doing the right sort of crawling motions with his legs, he doesn't usually manage to push off from the floor. I have to keep an eye on him though - he has been known to move forward to everyone's surprise (including himself).

Today was a very good day. He had early breakfast at 5am, later breakfast at 9:30am, and then lunch (sweet potato + milk) at noon. He then did a textbook lunchtime nap of an hour and a half which was long enough for me to do my full postnatal yoga DVD followed by 10 minutes of pilates abdominal exercises. The first time since D was born that I've managed to do this, and I was so good at doing my prenatal yoga - I've missed it! His Dad and I managed to have dinner by 8:30pm too - I'm sure this is a one off, but it gives me hope that we will get ourselves organised eventually - preferably by the time I go back to work!

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