Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Branching (Summer) Oyster or common oyster?

I think this is a type of Oyster Mushroom may be called the branching (Summer) oyster Pleurotus cornucopiae. Please correct me it you think otherwise as I am a novice at identifying fungi.
When it gets larger, I'll go back and sniff it for a confirmation. A highly likely alternative ID is the common oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus

It was growing on a dead log in the undergrowth (possibly elm, but not sure - too rotted). Its branched habit drew my attention and is why I have blipped it.

To show how strong-willed I am, I resisted the temptation to clone out the black dirt specks on the fruiting body in order to show it in its full natural state.

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