In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Something Stupid

What to blip on a day when nothing of any consequence caught my attention? Why blip myself of course. Another funny angled version of me, this time reflected in my gear-stick console.
Yesterday I had a young couple, early 20's in my car. Pleasant enough folk going out for the evening. The male of the 2 mentioned that the female was, " pretty thick " This was not intimated to me in a nasty way, nor was it meant to be horrible to the girl. It was, seemingly, just a matter of fact.
When he mentioned carbon footprint, she asked what that was. I told her it was to do with pollution. To which she, seriously enquired, " What is pollution?"
When I turned the radio up via my steering wheel controls, she was genuinely astonished, and could not understand how it ( the volume) got from the steering wheel to the radio.
She was not upset by the fact that she didn't understand things, she just accepted it. And although she was a brunette, she said that she was, " more blonde than a blonde."
As I said, she seemed a nice enough young person, but how can she get by in the world?
Ignorance is bliss they say, and here is the proof.

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