Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Oh Lily, what has your momma done to you

Yesterday, Casper and Stanley held their heads in their paws when they saw their pal Lily dressed all girlie. So much was Stanley's despair he wanted to have another look today to see if she has been taken out of that girlie get up....alas, not yet!! Lily, tell your mum, she is crazy! The boys thought you were a tom boy after all the fun you had with them!!!

In other news, Blippers I have a moral dilemma for you. You may recall me mentioning that we ordered wine at the start of June at The Royal Cornwall Show. It was quite pricey at £270 so when we still hadnt received it 6 weeks later I called to complain.

They apologised profusely and said they would sort it out and send something extra to compensate. This morning, I received a duplicate of the whole order. Now, do I take that as compensation for the lateness or have they boobed. I was going to email them but Mr G says, what are your thoughts Blipland???

Off out to dinner tonight to my very favourite Indian. Its been a while since we have been there. Very much looking forward to having the first Saturday night in for about 6 weeks - I feel I am getting old maybe!!!

Happy Friday all. Have a great weekend :)

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