Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Is it the sea or is it the sky?

I hit the wall at work today, just couldn't get focused meaning the work load that needed to get finished didnt get done till about 7......poop!

So, I took the dogs out for a lovely walk when I finished, at last! I love shots of sunsets and the different colours in the sky but tonight the sky was just a bit rubbish to be honest! So, having played with this I thought it looked reminiscent of the sea...another view I love to see.

My iPhone is causing me a total pain. It has no service so after 45 minutes on he phone to Orange they said to take it to the shop. As I got out the house it went mad with all the texts coming through so i thought is was fixed. Came back home and it now has no service again!!! Having lived in this house for over 2 years why has it suddenly turned into the bermuda triangle?? AAaaaRRRgggggggggHHHhhhh!

On the plus side Mr G just said he's taking me out to dinner tomorrow night. He's a good lad!

Now, where's my glass of wine.......have a good night y'all :)

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