Diana_Field Photography

By dianafieldphoto

203 / 365 - HD Movie Screen Caps


My 200th photo with Blip! However my 203rd since starting my 365... sorry for any confusion - I know it is annoying!

I've had the E-5 for months now but have only just decided to try out the HD Movie... I used my 50mm f1.8 as it makes no sound when focusing, but still hard to focus as always moving... but fun! Here's some screen caps of Galinda pulling silly faces.

I will post a link to the movie as soon as it is up on YouTube... it's cringy... I didn't realise I was lying in a red ant farm... and then from then on it's screams in the video haha oh well. I don't have any movie cutting software anymore as its not compatible with Windows 7.


Really annoyed with UPS... they're not delivering my sample Wedding Book until Monday and The Phoenix Food, Drink & Craft Fayre is tomorrow and I need it for my stall. :(

Hmmm anyway, onto plan B for tomorrow I guess!

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