Lali's World

By Lali

4. A dram of brandy

Fourth entry for my liquid theme.

I had a long day today. Had a couple of stressful tours and I finished late as well, hence my very late blip!

I didn't get many chances to take pictures today since I spent most of the day at work, so I had to find something liquid at home to take a picture of. I really needed a whisky today after work, but I didn't have any, so I contented myself with a dram of brandy.

Trying to catch up with life in general since I came back from my holidays. Not easy, because I haven't had much time for myself! So apologies for my recent slow commenting on your blips! I have the weekend off and I'm really looking forward to it!

Tomorrow I'm planning to sleep until my sheets decide to get rid of me, and then I'll go to the gym. I'm hoping to have a quietish weekend and to get a bit of a chance to catch up with everything!

Thanks very much for all your comments. I'll try my best to catch up with yours as soon as I can! I hope you all have a great weekend! :)

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