Clark Tales

By cclark

You need a BMW to live in my building!

Apparently you can only own a BMW to live in my building, luckily Mark owns one of these so our flat is covered! Oh and it must have a private reg! From where I took the pic there is another equal row of only new vauxhalls so apparently that's another rule, or a freaky coincidence.

Wow blipping and uploading before midnight, back in the swing of it YAY - good thing too cos I should start planning for the big 365!

Today was busy doing busy things - was about to chill out at about 3 when my bro
Calls to say he's in Edinburgh on his way to
Glasgow for a gig and has left his tickets in the rents house- courier Cheryl to the rescue! Well it seems a sunshine idea in my head also evolved in Edin, which will hopefully be revealed on Monday, i like providing a smile to peoples days!

Back home in time to get Jay from work as planned as he was giving me a Unit for my hall which is gonna make it HOT and just finish it perfectly- flat looks STUNNING- thanks Mark for all his help with kitchen. Our dishwasher is broken and the man won't be here till next week dishes are on the agenda! I'd like it noted I did cook a healthy decent meal x

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