Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

What about me?

Went to the Wellingborough museum this morning. They were hosting the Cambridge Chaos Project, where students from Cambridge Uni run a science fair for kids (and adults). It was really good fun. The students were all really enthusiastic and H was in his element. Even Noah had a go at building bridges and firing the trebuchet and the gas-powered rocket.

I'm ashamed to say that we've never looked around Wellingborough museum before so after we'd exhausted the science exhibits (and H had exhausted the students ;-) we went for a browse round. It's a super little place. There was an Anderson shelter and mock-ups of some old shops, and a full size electric train set. H was beside himself at the train set, especially when he got invited behind the scenes to help work the trains. His little cup overfloweth! Apparently the model railway enthusiasts club are running the trains on some days this holiday so Bob has promised to take H back there when they're in residence.

The surprise hit of the day was a lovely old wooden rocking horse. I couldn't get the boys off it! Henry said he wished we had one and then confidently announced, 'I bet Roger could make one...he can make anything!' Roger is my step dad and H is right, he's phenomenally talented when it comes to wood and metal...but a rocking horse?! H had *that* look on his face which suggested that Roger may be about to be coerced into a major project! H is a force to be reckoned with when he has a big idea...a bit like my mum actually. She once persuaded my dad that they should build an entire fireplace (a big one too) to accommodate a pretty little copper kettle she loved! Poor Roger is all I can say.

This image is my favourite from today. It's Noah, who wanted to see what his beloved big brother was doing with the train set. He went and found a little stool and dragged it all the way back to the display, just so he could stand on it and peek over the edge. Then he stood there saying mournfully, 'Noah's turn...Pleeeeease...Noah's turn.'

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