Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick


Randomly dipping around into other people's journals today I was struck by the number of journals I landed on where the writer was questioning why they blipped, and also several people stating that they were going to stop after a certain number.

It's something I've been thinking a bit about too but suddenly, while I was away from the computer, away from my camera (poking about looking for final traces of bindweed, actually) it hit me like a bolt from the blue. For me, it really isn't about the photos first and foremost. It's about the writing, it's about reflection, it's about having a sort of meditative 'practice' which - via the medium of photography - is forcing me to look outward beyond the worries and anxieties that if I let them will consume me. Like they almost did a year ago.

I've become more confident in taking pics and I've certainly noticed things for the first time that have always been under my nose. I get different things from different people's blip journals, and that will continue. I sometimes wonder what people get from mine but it doesn't bother me too much.

One blipper described his daily blip as being like the finger exercises that musicians undertake. I can identify with that.

I can't really believe that I've got to 200. It's whizzed by.

And today's image is the Santana CD, Shaman. Lovely stuff. It's belting out in the background right now.

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