In Between Days

By jase


This is one of the little dolls which the kids 'won' at the seaside. I think they are actually voodoo style dolls but the kids call them ninjas! I've not tried sticking pins in.

Alana's friend stayed over and they got on really well. The day consisted of going into town so they could buy some novelty erasers (fashionable for ten year olds at the moment), visiting L s brothers, picking up small awning for caravan and finally fixing my mum's car. The car fixing was very hit or miss for a while but I think I got there. The problem was i had lost all threads on one of the screws so couldn't tighten the new part properly. A bit of a replacement part was made which involved various oddities including an aerial connector but it seems to be holding! My worry now is that she will break down miles from home due to my not so good handiwork, so it's crossing fingers time for the next few days!

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