My Angle

By myangle

Best Foot Forward

Note to self: Take more storm photos.

Thanks for all the comments yesterday. I gave myself a pat on the back and said to myself,"You've still got it Martin." A little self indulgent I know but after weeks of mooching around feeling that I had used up all my blip ideas I still managed to take a half decent photo. On top of that I spent half an hour watching a spectacular light show.

Then came today and I crashed back down to earth. No ideas. Todays commute was by train which makes my day a lot longer. I leave in darkness and it is getting dark when I roll back in. Not a great deal of options when it comes to finding a blip.

Having said that I still took a drive down the waterfront to see what was on offer. Not much. Then I spotted this painted man on the footpath and spent several minutes walking back and forth getting the right image. A passing female walker gave me a dirty look as she passed. She must have thought I was trying to take sneaky pics. Honestly, I get really annoyed by people's paranoia. You can't point a camera randomly anymore without someone kicking up a stink. That's why I shy away from people photos.

A few weeks ago I was looking a Chaos's blip. Interesting stuff a technique I am intending to explore. Rule breaking. Todays blip was a good place to start that. Sort of. I chose this image over red clouds after sunset. Someone slap me.

Best foot forward.

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