It's Just Not Cricket

And not before time too. Two consecutive days, one after the other and over a weekend, where the thermometer consistently peaked near the mid twenties. That shouldn't be too much to ask of a summer, but up until now it's been a rare occurrence.

I was determined to make the most of it too and headed out into the garden at the back of 4am this morning, camera in hand, with the intention of recording some nice long shadows and summery light as the sun rose. But, I fell asleep. Samantha woke me at 7:15 with that "what in the hell are you doing?" look after the sun had been up for over two hours. Ah well, maybe next time.

I did get out later and would've posted some action shots of a traditional Sunday Scottish cricket match but as they were such crabbit bastards I'm not going to. It took me a bit of a while to realise it was me that the umpire and half of the players were frantically waving at trying to get me to move. Despite not even being in the cricket ground, being across a main road with cars flying past and halfway up a wooded hillside I was apparently disrupting their fancy game of rounders as I stood there taking photos. I decided that trying to hold a discussion on why I wasn't able to stand freely in a public space a quarter of a mile away, from a quarter a mile away, wasn't an option so I moved off. Some people take their sport far too seriously.

So, no pictures of cricketers. Their loss.

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