Dirt In The Ground

Well, this is quite possibly the ultimate emergency blip. Having gone for a nice long walk and taken around fifty shots this evening, my camera display abruptly threw up the three words that every photographer must dread seeing: MEMORY CARD ERROR.

Remembering that my camera's built-in memory can store around five photographs without the aid of a memory card, I did my best in the fading sunlight to find something of interest for today's entry. The ground was about the best I could manage.

Sadly, I had to format the card when I got home in order to use it again. If there's anything to be thankful about, it's that I hadn't taken any absolutely world-beating shots on my travels, although there were a couple that I was sorry to have lost. The major thing that concerns me now is whether it's worth investing in a new memory card; prior experience with technology has taught me that once something's fucked up once, it will more than likely happen again, and with increasing frequency. And I'd rather not have it happen on a day when I really have captured something worth keeping.

Decisions, decisions...

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