
By QuerkyPoo


There will probably be quite a few snow blips from NZ today - well we could NOT get out of the drive so it had to be an internal one.
This shot is taken from our kitchen window - of the hills that are causing us so much angst! - we are still zoned white from the earthquakes. Which means undecided. Undecided whether we can remain here ??

We think we are OK on our side of the road - the experts say the rocks wont cross the Road - Yeah Right ! as if they know ??

The little house across the road ( you can see ) has been red stickered as have all the houses on that side of the road. This is due to the rockfalls we had during the Quakes - 7 buildings got taken out with rockfalls - interestingly also, someone made the statement - Liquifaction doesnt kill people - but rocks do! another one was would you invite the neighbours kids to your house for a sleep-over?? hmmm!

Well it looks picture perfect right now - but cold !
Sorry no birdies today !!


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